(Picture courtesy of Pixabay via Pexels)
A few days ago in my last blog post, I mentioned a little something about an unexpected novel I've written: Say I'm Yours. In that post, I mentioned I'd update all you wonderful, lovely readers once I had a date pinned down. Well, I'm happy to tell you that I do! We officially have a release date!

(Image courtesy of Monstera Production via Pexels)
That's right! Come November 19th, Rebecka's story will be live and headed your way.

(Photo by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels)
You might be thinking, "What is this story even about?"
Well, instead of me spending the next hour going over every minute detail, let's the cover and the blurb do the talking.

What happens when the life you've planned suddenly vanishes right before your eyes?
One minute, I was Rebecka Collins-Linton, a happy, fulfilled, and contented museum manager, devoted wife, and mother to the sweetest little boy.
The next, I was widowed and the life I once knew lay scattered around me like shards of broken glass. Yet one can only block out the world for so long, especially when you've got a little boy needing you. Eventually, the time comes to begin again. To pick yourself up by the bootstraps and move on.
Nowhere in my moving on plan did I see myself moving back to Paris and working for my ex. A man who's shocking betrayal still stung just as bitterly as it did then. A man who I'd sworn to never trust again. But slowly, day by day, he did just that. Gregory Samuels, aka the famed photographer, Samuel Gregory, was determined to move heaven and earth to get us back to where we once were.
Do I forgive and let the ghosts of the past go? Or do I choose a different path forward? All I knew was that whatever the future held was anyone's guess.

(Photo courtesy of Rodrigo Tadielo Feksa via Pexels)
Now, the sad news. 😭
Unfortunately, there will not be a pre-sale due to the SNAFU that happened with manuscript for the last installment of A Girl Says Goodbye. 😭😭😭😭 Since I had to cancel that pre-order, The Zon takes away your pre-order rights for a year and sadly, this book's launch falls within that year. Never fear though! That will not stop me from releasing it and getting it out into your hands. 😁😍🥰 So, my dear, lovely readers, Say I'm Yours will be a live launch!
With that said, I must now get back to work 😭 so I can meet my deadlines and not disappoint you all. As always, I want to say just how much I appreciate you all and how honored I am to have your support. The fact you give a hoot enough to support my work and allow me to do what I love means far more than any mere words can say. I love you all and again, I'm so very grateful for you.
Until next time!
-Love, Becca